Law Firms

We supervise, mentor, and co-counsel with our law firm partners to deliver the highest quality pro bono and pro se legal services for immigrants.
We offer supervision, mentoring, education and co-counseling for pro se and pro bono representation for:
Removal Defense
Defensive Asylum; Protection under the Convention Against Torture; Cancellation of Removal; Waivers; Requests for Prosecutorial Discretion
Affirmative Relief
Affirmative Asylum; Temporary Protected Status; DACA Renewals; Employment Authorization; Family-Based Petitions; Applications for Lawful Permanent Residency; Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS); Naturalization
Post Order Defense
Appeals before the Board of Immigration Appeals and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals; Motions to Reopen; ICE Custody Review; Habeas Petitions`
Relief for Survivors and Victims of Gender-Based Violence and other Crimes
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Petitions; Battered Spouse Waivers; VAWA Cancellation; U and T Visas
Family Law and Practice
Orders of Protection, Custody and Guardianship Proceedings, Legal Name Changes